Friday, February 14, 2014

Day 43/365

No school again today due to snow and it was really nice! Wes & I made heart shaped pancakes in the morning for the boys and they LOVED them.. After breakfast the 4 of them got together and decided they wanted to give us gifts in the form of chores. Cooper and Cohen did the dishes for me while Caleb and Connor shoveled the stairs for daddy.. We couldn't have gotten a better V-Day gift :)


  1. Great shots! Love them all! The bokeh in Wes' kissy face picture! The boys doing the dishes, just cause I think its wonderful we're raising little boys who do dishes. The heart pancakes are adorable! And I love those two little boys at the end so very much!

  2. Awesome job on the pancakes, and yay for kids who help and do chores! I can only hope that's in my future! My boys like shoveling the snow like daddy, so hopefully they still think it's fun in a few years! :)
