Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 53/365 "Mohawk Monday"

Yes I know I know I am cheating today but I have been going through my computer and deleting unwanted pix to make room for 2014.. Most of them are not very good but when I came across these from 2 summers ago and I couldn't resist sharing!! The 1 of Westley and Cooper was captured rite after Coop had fallen in the river up at theWhite Mountains.. Wes had to jump in after him fully clothed, well fully clothed in Westley world which is half clothed to rest of us ;) The second image is Cohen picking blueberries.. I am really wanting to print and frame these and am hoping you can all help me chose between blk n wht or color?
Which is your favorite??


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Black and white for Wes and Cooper. Color for Cohen. Cheater cheater!!!!!

  3. Hmmm.... well I'm a fan of color myself, most of the time that's what I choose, but the first one looks great both ways.

    Since you made the black and white bigger both times, my guess would be that was your preference. If that's the case I say go for it! :0)

  4. Ok, Tess...I was writing a comment from our family Kindle, which I guess is in my husband's name (Branden), then I realized it came up from him, so I deleted it because I didn't want you to think some weirdo was commenting on how cute your husband and son are together!! ;) Sorry for the confusion, I do absolutely love that pic of them together!!
